The Libraries occupies a place of pride in SGT University and is an essential component of the Faculty’s outstanding research and development. It serves as a creative and innovative partner in supporting teaching, learning, scholarship and research activities of the user’s. It is the liveliest place on the campus providing a creative study environment that enables learning and advancement of knowledge and promotes discovery and research. The pleasant ambience and the well-furnished library with spacious reading sections create a natural atmosphere of serenity and thereby inspire intellectual stimulation and research.


The SGT University library aims to empower the teaching mission and systematic education culture in community through availability of an organized collection of information, as well as a proper utilization of reach and advanced study materials in age of ICT. It seeks to nurture the budding scholars to instill confidence in dealing with increasing amount of information in an ever-changing array of formats. The mission of the SGT University Library is to enrich and advance learning and discovery by providing access to a broad array of resources for education, research and creative work to ensure the rich interchange of ideas in the pursuit of knowledge and to developed education leadership in current generation.


  • To provide right information to right user in minimum possible time to complete the aim of life.
  • To be accessible and responsive to its clientele by proactively trying to understand and anticipate requirements
  • To develop a comprehensive and balanced collection of print and digital information resources related to applied Science Research.
  • To establish and develop relation of communication and cooperation with other information institutions, at local, regional and international levels.
  • To collaborate with faculty members in the common enterprise of knowledge generation, organization, preservation, and effective dissemination.
  • To develop effective linkage mechanism that enables the Library users to access information in other knowledge resources centre both National and international level.