BUSINESS COMMUNICATION by MISHRA,VINOD. Edition: 1STMaterial type: Text Publisher: AGRA SAHITYA BHAWAN PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTERS 2006Availability: No items available : Lost (1).
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING by GIYAL,S.N. Edition: 1STMaterial type: Text Publisher: AGRA SAHITYA BHAWAN PUBLICATION 2003Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 658.1511,GOY (1).
INCOME TAX by MEHROTRA,H.C. Edition: 56THMaterial type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI SAHITYA BHAWAN PUBLICATION 2015-16Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 336,MEH (2). Items available for reference: SGT Science & Social Sciences Library Not For LoanCall number: 336,MEH (1).
TEXT BOOK COMMERCE by GAUT, JAMES. Edition: 1STMaterial type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 T01G (5).
PHYSICAL FITNESS by KIRTANI, PRERA. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA 2012Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 P12K (5).
SHARIRIK SHIKSHA by SHARMA, N.P. Edition: 1STMaterial type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2010Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 S10S (5).
TEST & MEASUREMENT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION by CHAUHAN, DR. SUDHIL. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2013Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 T13C (2).
CAREER INFORMATION IN CAREER by KUMAR, PRAVEEN. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 C14K (2).
METHODS OF TEACHING by KUMAR, R.K. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 M14K (2).
EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT by CHAUHAN, SUMAN. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 E14C (2).
TEACHING OF HOME SCIENCE by SHARMA, D.N.K. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 T14S (2).
ESSENTIALS OF EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGY by SETHI, DR. SEEMA. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 E14S (2).
HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY by GURJAR, DR. KESHAV SINGH. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2013Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 H13G (2).
POPULATION EDUCATION by KAMBLE, DR. RAJESH. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 P14K (2).
SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING by BRAR, MS. GURSANGEET. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 S14B (2).
A-Z ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EDUCATION by SHARMA, DR. N.P. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2008Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 A08S (2).
TEACHER IN EMERGING INDIAN SOCIETY by THAKUR, DR. J.K. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2014Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 T14T (2).
SAMAJIK ADDHYAN SHIKSHAN by SHARMA, DR. N.K. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI KHEL SAHITYA KENDRA 2013Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 S13S (2).