ESSENTIALS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY by MISHRA, DEEPAK. Edition: 1STMaterial type: Text Publisher: INDIA ELSEVIER PUB 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Medical LibraryCall number: 617.7 E19M (1).
A GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS by ABRAMS,M.H. Edition: 11THMaterial type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI CENGA LEARNING 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 803.ABR (4). Items available for reference: SGT Engineering Library Not For LoanCall number: 803.ABR (1).
ENGLISH PHONETICS FOR INDIAN STUDENTS by BALASUBRAMANIAN,T. Edition: 3RDMaterial type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI TRINITY 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 428.40,BAL (4). Items available for reference: SGT Engineering Library Not For LoanCall number: 428.40,BAL (1).
AN OUTLINE HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE by HUDSON, WILLIAM. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI MAPLE CLASSICS 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 820.9,HUD (4). Items available for reference: SGT Engineering Library Not For LoanCall number: 820.9,HUD (1).
MACBETH by SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Material type: Text Publisher: NEW DELHI FINGERPRINT CLASSICS 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 822.33,SHA (4). Items available for reference: SGT Engineering Library Not For LoanCall number: 822.33,SHA (1).
TEACHING OF HISTORY by SINGH, DR. Y. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI APH 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 900 SIN (2).
TEACHING OF SCIENCE by JOSHI, S.R. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI APH 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 500 JOS (2).
DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY by HURLOCK, ELIZABETH B. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI MC GRAW HILL 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 150 HUR (4).
TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING by DHAND, HARRY. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI CP 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Engineering LibraryCall number: 370 DHA (2).
ADVANCED TRAUMA LIFE SUPPORT by ROY, BIRSUBHRA. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI NCR SGT UNIVERSITY GURUGRAM 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Dental LibraryCall number: 617.643 A19R (1).
MODERN INDIAN COMPANY LAW by KUCHHAL, M.C. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI SMBD 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 346.066 KUC (20).
FUNDAMENTALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS by GUPTA, S.C. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI S.CHAND 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 519.5 GUP (3). Checked out (2).
COMPANY LAW by SINGH, AVTAR. Material type: Text Publisher: LACKNOW EBC.PUB. 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 344066 SIN (5).
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY by BRANSCOMBE, NYLA R. Material type: Text Publisher: DELHI PEARSON 2019Availability: Items available for loan: SGT Science & Social Sciences LibraryCall number: 150 BRA (3).